A New and Exciting Fundraiser for your school!
American Music Fundraising from AMG is a fantastic new fundraising solution for your music program. It can be used to raise funds for any organization within your school or your entire school as a general fund.
This fundraiser showcases your school marching band, orchestra, along with other band or music programs in your school (jazz band, choir, etc.) to create a unique music product that your students can sell to family and friends to raise funds.

Bring your talent to the frontline
AMF will record, live on location, your schools most talented students from your orchestras, marching bands, choirs, jazz bands, rock bands etc, to create a one of a kind music product for students to sell.
Look at the example below to see the potential!
Here's a great example. . .

Check out the example to the left. The potential for this fundraiser is massive.
No other fundraiser has the capacity to raise as much for a school. The average funds raised by schools is $8,500 nationally. AMF has the ability to raise 10 times that amount and much more.
Whether you're raising funds for your music program directly, or you need a universal fund for the entire school. AMF is perfect for your funding requirements.
While AMF primarily focuses on fundraising specifically for music programs because they are historically underfunded compared to other school organizations, we recognize that schools need all the help they can get.
So while we are here to help your school music program first, the ultimate purpose for AMF is to promote your future.
Join us today. Reach out to us and let AMF show you how your music program can raise all the funds you need and more.
What's the Process?
Below is the 2 step process for fundraiser. Take a look and see how it works.
"Student Sellers" (SS) are an integral part of the fundraising process.
We have streamlined the process, making it simple for SS to participate and maximize their sales.
This also gives every SS the chance to win awesome prizes for their efforts. See the process below:
- Student Sellers get permission from parent or guardian to participate.
- SS use the QR code provided either on their smartphone or a flyer to allow Supporters to make their purchases.
- All cash from cash purchases is turned in to the FEC (Fund Event Coordinator) by SS
- AMF, the FEC and Supporters receive an email confirmation for the purchase. Supporters receive 2 event tickets and a delivery schedule for their product.
- All Funds are divided between the school and AMF.
Sales Event Timeline is 6 weeks.
1 week for sign ups
4 weeks for sales drive
1 week for collections
The Bands, (Marching band, Orchestras, other bands, choir, etc) are the stars of this event.
AMF will provide all production of this one of a kind product from pre and post recording, editing, mixing and mastering, to CD and digital production.
AMF encourages these aspiring artists to design the artwork for the CD. AMF will assist and coordinate and if needed complete the layout and final design.
AMF will coordinate with FEC, band director and others to facilitate an on-site recording session to record the music that will be on the CD.
The Production is as follows:
- All participants in the recording process will rehearse the material and be fully prepare for the session.
- AMF will set up an onsite mobile studio for recording the music performed by the students.
- AMF will mix and master the recordings and print the CDs, and load digital content for the Supporters.
- AMF will promptly deliver the CDs to the school for delivery by the SS to Supporters.
The Main Event is a concert held at the school, where the bands and musicians will perform the songs recorded for the CD in a live setting.
Supporters and others will attend this concert gala and top sellers will receive their prizes at this event.
All attendees who do not receive tickets through a purchase of the album can buy a ticket to get in or purchase a digital copy at the gate.
All proceeds from tickets sales at the event go to the school 100%.
DELIVERIES: Delivery of products will be done by the SS. They will pick up the product from the school after production, and deliver to the Supporters who bought from them. Each SS will receive a list of the Supporters to coordinate deliveries specific to their sales.
Did we say prizes?
We offer incredible prizes for the top Student Sellers! We have a great selection in each category for all Students Sellers who excel!Winners get to pick different prizes in each category. See below what you can win with your fundraiser!

The Product that keeps on giving!
The AMF Fundraiser helps school music programs and schools in general raise the funds they need through music.
This one of a kind, never the same product twice music album is an 8 to 12 song compilation of performances from the school's own marching band, orchestra, rock band, jazz band, choir, etc.. These songs are recorded professionally by the pros at AMG in partnership with AMF.
These CD or digital download albums are a keepsake that can be cherished by family and friends for years to come.
Proceeds from every album sold go to the school or organization raising funds.
We at American Music Fundraisers and Audio Media Group pride ourselves on achieving a fundraising solution that has massive potential, ease of operation, and a straight forward fundraiser.
With great prizes for top tier Student Sellers, and maximum funds for your organization, AMF is the best choice for your next fundraising event!
Sign Up Today!
So what are you waiting for? If you're an educator, contact us today and discover how you can let AMF help your organization raise the funds you need and more!
Please fill out the form below and send it to us. Our team will get back to you within 2 business days to help you get started!
Audio Media Group, American Music Fundraising, AMG Master Class and One Step Up Musical Arts Financing are trademarked and copyrighted and are legally protected.
The American Music Fundraising business platform is Patented under PTO guidelines as "Patent Applied For" Unauthorized use or distribution of our materials is strictly prohibited by law and may lead to legal action.
188 fRONT ST #160
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: 10am - 3pm
Sunday: Closed